The Tablet Articles Archive

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Here are links to Kate’s Articles for The Tablet , in one place for easy access and organised by themes. You will find recent articles as well as earlier posts back to the first in 2020, when Kate started writing about family life in lockdown.


Making sense of place  (2025)

Trading with tradition (2024)

Was Jesus ever trying to make us laugh? (2024)

We know that praying is good, but can some prayers be passive-aggressive? (2024)

When it is still not enough even to forgive someone ‘seventy-seven times’ (2023)

Keeping time with the old grandfather clock (2023)

The irreducible core of ‘praying the Stations’ (2023)

Full of grace – fasting and fish on Fridays (2023)

Why make doomed resolutions at New Year? (2023)

We’re shortchanging our children with Halloween (2022)

How God can lift our spirits when we stumble into the ‘miry clay’ (2022)

Addressing a priest as ‘father’ when he is so much younger than you are (2022)

The challenge of being a subversive, counter-cultural – and Catholic – parent (2021)

What are saints for? (2021)

The benefits of getting older and ‘taking the long view’ (2020)


Why this expert Church musician is not happy with the new Lectionary (2024)

How are we to write these new words into our hearts? (2024)

Organising the seasonal music: notes for next Christmas (2024)

Confirmation music and ‘proper’ First Communions (2023)

Finding hymns fit for a King just crowned (2023)

When ‘elevator music’ fails to elevate, and why (2022)

How fierce and martial the National Anthem sounds with male pronouns and a King (2022)

The art of choosing hymns for Mass (2022)

Stepping away from sentimentality in search of some of the greatest Mary hymns (2022)

Singing praises with new papal Nuncio Claudio Gugerotti (2020)



A moratorium on marriage metaphors (2024)

The power of the picture in life and art (2023)

Many more women must have been involved in the birth and life of Jesus than are told in the Gospels. So where are they all? (2022)

For 2000 years, the Church has been pretending women don’t exist. But we do (2022)

What needs to change when it comes to the Church and double standards (2021)

‘Women in time to come will do much’ (2021)

The Pope’s change to women’s ministry is a welcome chink of light (2021)

The Synod 2024

When the children aren’t the only ones learning important lessons during Confirmation classes (2024)

So there has been the Synod – but will the clergy ever truly let the laity sing from the same song sheet? (2024)

The laity feeling left out by the failures of the synodal process so far (2022)

Some of the people of God are already on the path to synodality. Will the Bishops join them there? (2022)

What does synod have in common with the Cat in the Hat? (2022)

Our Synod feedback is in – now what? (2022)

Synod in practice (2022)

The Pope’s Synod idea feels too small and secret – let’s change that (2021)


Candlemas and the Magi – gifts, giving and the real meaning of generosity (2025)

Happy birthday rituals everyone – and why they still matter (2024)

Home from the holidays (2024)

The Madonna, angels and the Prodigal Son – why we are stuck on our holy fridge magnets (2023)

When all you really want on holiday is a home-brewed cup of tea (2023)

How a Catholic church mum and musician manages the weekly ritual of ‘packing the Sunday bag’ (2023)

Which ‘proof of identity’ to elect for and why (2023)

Even if it’s not a Catholic tradition, Mother’s Day is a good idea (2023)

Full of grace – fasting and fish on Fridays (2023)

The blessings of good books (2022)

The words we use for mum and dad (2021)

The complications of giving and receiving advice (2020)

Language, learning and the recording angel (2020)

Inventing and reinventing our traditions (2020)


Finding hope in the ‘Salve Regina’ in a parish after the pandemic (2022)

We could be heroes? (2022)

Catholics need to be invited, not coerced, to return to Mass (2021)

Watching films together-alone with family and friends in lockdown (2021)

All haste to the Covid wedding (2021)

New roots and new shoots as lockdown eases (2021)

Memories that can nourish us at this time of bereavement and grief (2021)

How life can go on in lockdown (2021)

Lockdown One to Lockdown Two to Tier Three – how this family lives the rules (2020)

How swimming helps this musician confront fears and cope with life (2020)

Facing up to the need to wear facemasks during Covid-19 (2020)

The perils of packaging and waste in lockdown (2020)

Interruptions and interactions in lockdown (2020)

Family food in lockdown (2020)

‘Keeping in touch’ with God and each other (2020)

The art of communication (2020)

More than the sum of its parts (2020)

‘Coronanxiety’ and letting go in lockdown (2020)

‘Being Church’ and being heard during lockdown (2020)

Narratives, family life, and lockdown (2020)

My family back under one roof (2020) [Republished May 2021 as “So who really ate all the biscuits? One family’s life inside the lockdown bubble”]


Encounters with St Nicholas (2024)

Stars, angels and a little twist of ivory – decorating the family Christmas tree (2023)

Keeping Christmas (2023)

Counting the Advent calendar days to Christmas (2022)





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